CIML confers fellowship award on NSUBEB board member III

By Abubakar Hassan

The Chartered Institute of Management and Leadership (CIML),  Kentucky, United States of America (USA) has conferred a fellowship award of the institute on board member III of Niger state Universal Basic Education Board (NSUBEB), Barr. Mairam Kolo.

Speaking at the investiture ceremony held at the board room of NSUBEB, on Tuesday, the board Chairman, Mallam Muhammad Baba Ibrahim said the honour was for the entire NSUBEB family and not for Barr. Mairam only because at NSUBEB they are one big family.

He disclosed that in the board, Barr. Mairam occupied a sensitive positive because her schedules of duty had to do with the practical aspects of managing basic education in the state.

The Chairman of NSUBEB revealed that the enrollment figure of school children under the board is about a million and they were all under the care of Barr. Mairam, adding that the board has over 25,000 teachers who are under the teachers' professional development department of the board, under the supervision of Barr. Mairam.

He further disclosed that the board has about 3,150 schools spread across the state which the logistics of managing them to work efficiently falls on the shoulders of Barr. Mairam, saying the board would not have gotten to where it is today without the contribution of Barr. Mairam.

"If you want anything which you have to pay attention to some little details for it to be done, the best person to call to do that is Mairam. Mairam have been doing a lot for us here and we really appreciate her for that ," said the NSUBEB Chairman.

While appreciating Barr. Mairam for what she had been doing for the past seven months they came on board, the Chairman expressed optimism that more recognition will come her way.

He equally appreciated the Chartered Institute of Management and Leadership for identifying and recognizing Barr. Mairam contribution to humanity, saying, "thank you for recognizing what we have because we believe we have a real GEM and we hope that through her inspiration and our collective contribution we will reposition basic education in Niger."

Earlier in his remarks, the country director of the institute, Dr. Samuel Ojo said the institute usually carry out research on the activities of any individual they want to recognize, adding that they found Barr. Mairam worthy to be part of them through her contribution in the advancement of child's rights, girl child and empowerment.

He also observed that with her rich CV and the turn out of people from all walks of life who came to witness her investiture as fellow of the institute, Barr. Mairam is a true leader and a good manager, which he said was the reason the institute also made her one of the board of trustees members of the Institute in Niger state.

Dr. Samuel said her conferment as fellow of the institute will spur her more to serve humanity with transparency and accountability, urging her to be good ambassador of the institute as he said the institute was proud to have her.

In her response, the celebrant, Barr. Mairam Kolo appreciated the institute for recognizing her as a fellow of the institute, saying she feels highly honoured and excited to be so recognized.

She revealed that it was a thing of joy that what she does for humanity was been noticed by someone somewhere, leading to her conferment as fellow of Chartered Institute of Management and Leadership (CIML).

While appreciating the institute for the recognition, Barr. Mairam added that it will encourage her to do more for humanity, promising to be good ambassador of the institute, and appreciated all those who came from far and near to show solidarity to her.

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